Trish Basanyi - Professional Female Voice Talent Contact Info
Click Here to Email Trish Directly
Does Trish Basanyi like to talk shop? You bet she does! She loves the voice over industry and doesn’t mind a little healthy competition. After all, the industry is growing by leaps and bounds. The more technology advances, the more demand there is for advertising….and advertising done right requires voice talent.
There is plenty to talk with Trish about. Contact her now directly via the email link above or use the handy form below. Trish Basanyi: One of America’s Top Professional Female Voice Talents, at your service.
Trish Basanyi – Socially Speaking
Trish Basanyi is a Professional Female Voice Talent who is very active in her Industry. She is equally social on the internet. She can be found on all the popular social scenes like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.
Most of the images on this site are clickable and that includes the slideshows like the one above. You may also use the social links below with a brief description of the sites activity.
Facebook – Trish Basanyi’s Facebook page gives insight into what makes her tick.
Twitter – @TrishsVoice is a great place to get industry backstories and interviews.
Linkedin – Trish Basanyi on LinkedIn is all business. This is a great site to read the testimonials from some big name employers who are avid fans of Trish, in large part based on her professionalism as well as ability.
Youtube – Visit Trish’s voiceover demos on her Youtube channel. This is constantly growing and may include some very special interviews from time to time. You don’t want to miss the Trish Basanyi channel otherwise known as VoiceoversByTrish.
Instagram – Picture Trish sharing thousands of words with fans and colleagues from Instagram. Check her out.
Skype – Of course you had to know that Trish is always available on Skype for video chats, audio only, or old fashioned messaging. Ask the questions you’ve been curious about. If you have Skype opened, just click the link to connect.
EMail – just click to email Trish
Good Ol’ Fashioned Phone – Call Trish Basanyi directly at her Studio: 201-317-1058